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LCO-7P causes strong elimination of toxins throughout the entire body including in the brain. It is excellent against fungal species such as Candida and is far superior to traditional drugs. It can be mixed with LCO-7 for chronic unremitting resistant infections. Debilitated patients should only do it under physicians guidance. It is useful against the cystic and larval stages of parasites.

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Natural Broad-spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic ozonide serum

Ingredients: Proprietary blend of the highest AAA pharmaceutical grade vegetable and botanical essential oils, specially treated with active oxygen/03 in such as way as to not produce peroxides, but which produce stable ozonides called LCO’s (long-chain ozonides). Contains: Ozonides from AAA grade oils of Olive, Castor Bean, Bitter Almond, Garlic, Clove, Thyme, Cinnamon, Marjoram, Artemesia Vulgarius, Geranium.

• Broad-spectrum Anti-viral
• Broad-spectrum Anti-bacterial
• Broad-spectrum Anti-Parasite (Effective for the dormant Cystic Phase in Protozoans, Giardia, E.Histolytica, Cryptosporidium, & Larval Forms etc.)
• Increases Peroxide Burst by Macrophages
• Restores acidic colonic pH
• Restores physiologic aerobic regions / removes un-natural anaerobic regions by releasing nascent

• Effective against many resistant strains of microbes
• Herpes, HIV, EBV, CMV, Mycoplasmas, Lymes ,Malaria, etc.
• Influenza, Coxacakie, E.Coli, Staph, Strep, Clostridia, Candida, etc.
• Effectively Kills Parasites without dangerous side effects drugs have
Effective agains the fungal spores, parasitic vacuolar & multivacuolar stages,& cystic forms of many microbes, etc.
• Good Compliance–patient can use at home

LCO-7P causes strong elimination of toxins throughout the entire body including in the brain. It is excellent against fungal species such as Candida and is far superior to traditional drugs. It can be mixed with LCO-7 for chronic unremitting resistant infections. Debilitated patients should only do it under physicians guidance. It is useful agains the cystic and larval stages of parasites.

Side Effects: LCO-7P is able to enhance the oxidative burst of lymphocytes. (Sufficient Vitamin C is required however). If any inflammation is already underway somewhere, it will be intensified, causing localized pain. Because of this property, it is an excellent method to locate localized infections that are latent. If such infections make themselves known, giving 1 drop in water is indicated to help the body overcome it without increasing the pain further.

It has wonderful wetting properties and is able to penetrate into the smallest wrinkles and folds of the mucosa, even in the intestines. Mixed with distilled water, it gives an emulsion which is stable for several hours. It has capillary activity and adheres to wet surfaces whereas powders and hydrophobic drugs cannot penetrate there. Because of unique surface adhesion properties, it can be used both externally and internally

USE INSTRUCTIONS: (Note: Can be combined with the basic formula, LCO-7 for a more potent effect if desired) External Use: Rub the oil on lymph nodes and around any area needing treatment except in the eyes. Drops can also be added to other oils or water for topical use. Great for ring worm ! For fungal infections, eczema, for 3 weeks to 3 months of daily application. Nail Fungal Infections: 3-5 drops, 2x/day at nail base and under the nail. Can be combined with DMSO for better absorption. (Caution: Be sure to disinfect the area first when using DMSO to avoid infections on the skin from being transferred to the blood. ) You rub in for 3-6 months or longer, depending on resistance and circulation.

Internal Use: Mix with distilled water. 1-10 drops in 1 cup water. For mouth, throat, tonsil infections, gums, effective against arobic and anaerobic germs. Cleans sinuses when inhaled from a hot-water mixture (steam) or put 2 drops onto nasal mucus membrane by cotton swab. Excellent for ear infections by putting 1-2 drops directly into the ear canal or several drops onto cotton ball and sleeping overnight. Gargles are effective for sore throats. Lung Infections: Put 5-10 drops into distilled water in an ultrasonic nebulizer & breathe for at least 30 min./day

Yeast Infections: Vaginal, Thrush: Mix 5-10 drops per cup of distilled water. Apply to affected area via douche or soak. May sting initially, so may dilute further if needed, but continued use will resolve it. Should also take internally simultaneously to help from the internal pH adjustments also.

Parasitic Infections: Equal parts LCO7-P + LCO-7. Put drops into distilled water and stir. Drink on empty stomach only. If nausea develops, back down. The liver & portal vein can get clogged with debris from dead parasites and microbes. It can also be used as a rectal implant enema and is highly effective for parasite infections. Empty a Fleet Enema® bottle. Use 1/4 cup distilled warm water and 3-5 drops of both LCO-7 & LCO7-P. Hold the solution in until absorbed. Use caution since this is extremely powerful and a herxheimer reaction is likely. If you get nauseous, it is possible the portal vein has swollen and bile has backed up. Stop and allow things to settle down and start slower with 1 drop of each and work up to 15 drops 2x/day. over a period of weeks and see how you do. If you are very weak, be sure to do this only under a knowledgeable physician or nurse’s monitoring.

CAUTION: Do NOT use in the Eyes. Flush immediately. Not for Pregnant or Nursing Mothers. Only use on children under the supervision of a qualified physician. If a sudden localized persistent pain develops while using the product, it may be a latent infection manifesting. Do Not Ignore. See a doctor immediately. Discontinue use if adverse effects occur.

Product Facts Serving Size: 2-5 drops Contains %DV Proprietarily processed † blend of AAA Grade ozonide oils of Bitter almond, Garlic, Clove, Thyme, Cinnamon, Geranium, Marjoram, Artemesia vulgarius. † No daily value established STORE IN A COOL DARK PLACE.

Packaging: 30 ml. glass dropper bottle.

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LCO-7P Parasite 30 ml, SET (LCO-7 +LCO-7P)