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The adrenal glands are very complex parts of the endocrine system, producing glucocorticoids (cortisol is the most important of the many it makes), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine) and even sex hormones. Adrenal fatigue affects every part of the body and every aspect of life. In today’s fast paced world, stress related conditions are at an all time high. Many people are suffering from adrenal fatigue or outright exhaustion, and it manifests in many ways. One manifestation which affects everthing else is inadequate or unfreshing sleep. Sleep patterns get interrupted because of lack of insufficient reserve adrenal hormones which are necessary for the body to cope with stress.


Our new formula is different than most sleep formulas because we don’t use any herbal extracts to bully the body into sleep, but then doesn’t address the underlying causes including adrenal fatigue. We combine low dose bioidentical hormones and amino acids to give the body what it needs to repair and rebuild. It is for Short Term Use to restore homeostasis.

By putting some of these critical hormones back into the body, it takes the stress off the glands and allows the body to repair itself. Caution: anyone dealing with any kind of serious life threatening condition like Cancer should consult a qualified physician prior to use.

  • Fatigue / Exhaustion which does not improve after sleep. Wake exhausted
  • Poor Memory or Concentration / Cognitive Issues & Brain “fog”
  • Digestive / Bowel Issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation)
  • Feeling Overwhelmed or Unable to Cope with Life’s Challenges
  • Immune Related Issues — Chronic Colds or other Infections, Poor Healing of Wounds, etc
  • Allergies & Food or other Intolerances
  • Skin / Dermatological Issues
  • Dizziness on standing (postural hypotension)
  • Pulmonary Inflammation / COPD (Asthma, Chronic Bronchicitis, Lung Infections, etc.)
  • Weight Gain, Especially Around the Middle
  • Blood Sugar Imbalances / Hypoglycemia
  • Sex Hormone Imbalances (PMS or Menopause Complications)
  • Irritability & Moodiness. Short Tempered
  • Low Blood Pressure or Irradic BP Readings
  • Sensitivity to Cold
  • Poor Reaction Time
  • Low Stamina / Poor Muscle Recovery Time
  • Inability to Fall or Stay Asleep
  • Addictions
  • Food Cravings, Especially Salty & Sugary Foods
  • Dehydration
  • Edema
  • Excessive Thirst & Electrolyte Imbalance from excessive urination
  • Altered Heart Sounds & Irregular heart beats (arrhythmias)
  • Type 2 Diabetes or Syndrome XYZ (Metabolic Syndrome)
  • Chronic Fatigue & Other Exhaustion / Pain Syndromes like “Fibromyalgia”

INGREDIENT INFORMATIONACE (Adrenal Cortex Extract)Taken from the purest glandular on earth, which come from New Zealand Grass Fed Free Range Bovine Animals bred for Pharmaceutical Manufacture, verified actives. Adrenal hormones do many things including help the body balance blood sugar which helps the body manage energy needs. Adrenal hormones raise blood sugar when it dips and increases energy output. It also helps with “fight or flight” reactions when we’re in danger and need to run away from danger or cope with difficult circumstances.For more details on ACE, see our webpage:Adrenal Cortex Sublingual Extract DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)DHEA is the most abundant hormone found in the bloodstream, with production peaking around age 20-25, and starting to reduce after that. By age 80, people are thought to have only about 10% of what they had in their 20’s. DHEA is produced by the Adrenal Glands which sit atop the kidneys.

DHEA is a precursor hormone to the pathway for estrogens, testosterone, cortisol, among others. Much like human growth hormone (HGH) and Melatonin (anti aging hormones, DHEA is produced in abundance when healthy but over stimulation of the adrenals from stress, drugs, dieting, caffeine, physical abuse, addictions, accidents, malnutrition, can exhaust adrenal synthesis of DHEA. Pregnenalone is the ultimate Parent Hormone from which all other hormones are made. It is made directly from Cholesterol. It is critical for the brain, nerves, and hundreds of other biochemical reactions.For more information, see our DHEA Pregnenalone product.

Melatonin is primarily made by the Pineal Gland, a small pea-sized gland located in the center of the brain. Among other things it regulates the slee-wake cycle, causing drowsiness and lowering body temperature and reducing the adrenal hormone levels. Production is dependant on sufficient darkness to initiate. Melatonin peaks in the middle of the night, falling as morning draws near. It is a powerful Antioxidant and prevents DNA damage.
It is an Immune Modulator, enhancing Cytokine production (stem cell production. It is involved in dreaming. Melatonin receptors are important in learning and memory.It improves Thyroid Gland Production of T4 and also gonadotropin Levels (HcG=human condriogonadrophin, the pregnancy hormone and is involved in weight / fat loss. It’s involved in Regulation of Body WeightIt’s involved in Digestion & Prevention of Gallstone formationIt helps regulate mood. It prevents many age related conditions like Cancer

Serving Size: 4 squirts under tongue
No. Servings per Bottle: 45
Amount Per Serving
Adrenal Cortex Extract (New Zealand Organic Bovine Origin) 1 mg.
(Pharma Grade w/all 28 natural matrix factors)
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) Bovine Origin 8.4 mg.
Pregnenalone, USP 1.3 mg.
Melatonin, USP .5 mg.
5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) 1 mg.
Other Ingredients: Purified Water, Organic Grain Alcohol, Glycerine, Stevia, Lemon-Lime Flavor.
Directions for use: 4 squirts held under the tongue1-2 min.; Chase with water.
Take approx. 1 hr. before bedtime or as directed by healthcare professional.
CAUTION: Until you see how the body responds, do not drive or operate heavy machinery while using this product. Keep out of the hands of children. Not for use by Teens unless under qualified physician supervision. Discontinue if adverse effects occur.

Additional information


30 ml bottle w/airless pump, 6 for